Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Births

Nehal Farrag, the daughter of May and Mohammed Farrag has had her first son, Hussein El Sherbiney, on February 13th. Our congratulations and best wishes to the baby and his proud parents and gradparents.

Lost and Found

At the end of EAS’s last meeting, at the ACC, a jacket was found, with no one to claim it. If you could not find your (or your son’s) jacket after you went home on Jan. 17th, please contact Ayman Eltaher, at 281-948-9428.

Correction of Next Meeting Date

Please note that the EAS next meeting will be on Saturday, March 17th, rather than Sunday, the 18th, as indicated in a previous email. Please mark you calendar with the new date. The meeting will take place in the George Bush Park (MAP).

March 17 Meeting

Will take place at Bush Park (MAP). Don't be intimidated or discouraged, he will not be there. Will be all fun, no lectures or official speakers. You will be the ones speaking. Each member after lunch, to make sure he/she has enough energy and not too sleepy, will introduce himself/herself to the society in a couple of minutes. He/she will state name, profession, activities, hobbies, etc. He/she will be encouraged to sit with new members rather than their old friends to get to know each other.

Backgammon tournaments with trophies will be played: one for men and one for women.

Balloons for kids and games (details to be later decided).

Active youth participation (details to be decided by the Youth Committee).

Food: the society will provide hamburgers and chicken that will be grilled on the spot by your favorite experienced chef (not me). You will be asked by Mrs. Suzie Mostafa to bring a side dish such as salad, rice, drinks, deserts, etc...

Finally, thank you for your support, stay well, and see you all in March.

Ezzat Abouleish,M.D.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Report of Second Meeting, February 17, 2007

It was quite successful and well attended; over 100 members.

The first speaker, representative of Schwab Investments, was informative on investment plans, retirement, wills, child education, health insurance, etc. The members enjoyed the information and they were attentive with a few exceptions (need to correct that in the future).

Mrs. Magda Ghali of our Consulate was eloquent and did a good job in explaining important topics such as passport, exemption permit from the military, visas, ID cards, marriage, divorce, birth certificates for children (of course before divorce), etc.
Quite a good number of new members joined, and to them we say, thank you; you are welcome to Your Society.

Ezzat Abouleish,M.D.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Minor Adjustment for the meeting schedule.
The Financial Planning Presentation will be immediately after dinner(7:30 to 8:30) followed by The Consulate presentation to allow for ample time for questions and answers.
Ezzat Abouleish

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007

EAS Yellow Pages

Dear Members,

We are in the process of creating Yellow Pages for the society, where the members put there professional and commercial info, for the benefit of both the advertiser and the society members at large. The service is available only to the society's members and is free for a limited time. So, if you are a member and wish to have a better professional exposure within the society members, please send your information to any of the board members, or to .

We also are soliciting sponsorship for the society activities, from both the society members and others. In return, sponsors will be recognized by placing their business cards (or a graphic ad) on the society's blog. So, if you have a business and would like to get utmost exposure within our membership base (around 130 families, and growing), this might be your best bet; please contact any of the board members, or email .

Friday, February 9, 2007

Next EAS Meeting

Dear Member,

Our next meeting will be on February 17, 6 PM, at the ACC (The site of the previous meeting, 10555 Stancliff Road, Houston, TX, 77099, Tel.832 351 3366, Click here for a Map). The program will include:

  • Representative of The Egyptian Consulate (Ms. Magda Ghali, Administrative Attaché), to explain the services available to our members, and the proper channels. The presentation will be followed by questions and answers.

  • Financial planning by Mr.Andy Brown of Capital Advisors. It is never too early or too late to arrange your financial goals, find out the correct path to achieve these goals, and follow it to success. I am sure such a presentation will benefit us all, young and old, rich and poor. It will be followed by questions and answers. Also, we are grateful to Capital Advisors for their generous donation to partially sponsoring the meeting.

I, as well as the Members of The Board, respect our members' wishes. Despite the fact that the dinner served during the last meeting was superb, the members expressed their preference of variation of the cuisine. Thus this time it will be a Persian cuisine. This has nothing to do with The Iranian crisis of Atomic energy in a threatening way, all what is there is Conventional energy in a palatable way.

There will be a baby sitter in order to have a quiet meeting. Please also show our guest speakers our Egyptian hospitality and discipline. So, let us all refrain from side conversations during the presentations.

Please remember that children under 5 yrs are free. Those who have reached 21yrs are considered adults because they are adults; they should feel independent and not tagged to their parents. Moreover, since this is their society, they have the responsibility of supporting it.

Looking forward to see you all. Please come prompt, hungry for answers and food.

Ezzat Abouleish,M.D.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Great News for the Society

After her great effort in organizing last month's function, Tara moved on to organizing data and crunching numbers that came out of the function. here are some of the brighter numbers she found and that show how the society is no-doubt in a great health and growing:

January Revenue:
- 2005- $870.00
- 2006- $1486.00
- 2007- $3322.00
- This portrays a 124% increase from 2006 to 2007 and a 71% increase from 2005 to 2006.

- 130 paid members
- 13 new Family memberships
- 6 new Single memberships
- 10 renewing Family memberships
- 2 renewing Single memberships
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of last month's function, by organizing or by attending. Keep up the great work, and wish to see you all in our next function, this month.


The society would like to say Happy Birthday to Adam S. Zaafaran. Mom and Dad, Tara and Sherif also wish him a happy and prosperous future, for years ahead.

Members of EAS: Please send us your news, birthdays and any other social events in your lives and families, so our big family in Houston would know and share them with you.


the Egyptian American Society would like to send their support and condolences to Heba Elsharquawi, who recently lost ber beloved mother, in Egypt. We wish for the family patience in coping with their great loss.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Pictures from the EAS Meeting on Jan. 20

EAS President, Dr. Abouleish

Ambassador Abdel-wahab presentation

Some of our members

Children's activity (below)

Thanks to all of you who responded to the meeting invitation and contributed to the success of the function. More than 150 guests attended the function; adults and children. The guests listened to words from the EAS president and the board about their vision of the society's role and future. The guests also had a chance to listen to a brief word from the meeting guest of honor, his Excellency Ambassador Elhusseini Abdelwahab, the Consul General of Egypt in Houston, on his experience with Egyptian societies.

We (adults and children) had a wonderful time in the first function of the society in the new year and got to meet and welcome a great number of new members. We hope to see all of old and new members in all the society functions in the future. More information and statistics of the society membership and on the function will be posted soon.